LPK (Job Training Institute) is a community-based non-formal educational organization that provides information and skills. This institution is critical to increasing the quality of HR (Human Resources). LPK comes in several forms, one of which is LPK that teaches foreign languages such as Japanese. According to Japan Foundation data from 2015, the number of Japanese language learners in Indonesia increased by 22.2%. This is due to the fact that there are numerous professions available that require Japanese language abilities both at home and abroad, particularly in Japan. As a result, many people want to learn Japanese.
LPK. KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK will set learning objectives consistently. Especially for pupils that must graduate.
JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)
Lalu Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Thorriqurrahman formed LPK. KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK. One of the two founders of LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK is a former Indonesian worker who worked as a kenshuusei in Japan for three years. Because of this motivation, the two founders of LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK established an LPK to assist people who have a strong interest and motivation to learn Japanese. The word KIBOU, which means hope, is utilized to accomplish the vision and objective of LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK, which is to aid students who desire to work in Japan. On December 20, 2022, LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK was founded in Gerung, NTB Indonesia. LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK plays a role in empowering human resources, especially the younger generation through programs aimed at forming attitudes, mentality and skills as well as independence which includes the main program of Integrated Japanese Language Training and preparing prospective interns to Japan.
Becoming a certified and professional Japanese Language Skills Education Institution in preparing human resources for prospective apprentices and job in Japan.
-In a professional and transparent manner, provide the greatest services and facilities for preparing prospective apprentices.
-Actively and artistically teach Japanese language and Japanese culture.
-Improving attitudes and discipline, as well as showing concern for potential interns.
-In training, cultivate the legendary Japanese state discipline and hard effort.
Staff and Teachers
LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK has an efficient training system to support and produce qualified and work-ready prospective Indonesian workers, by conducting physical and mental training, introduction to Japanese cultures, and learning Japanese in a disciplined and regular way to produce qualified ctki. have totality, loyalty, and integrity to the company where they work. Additionally, LPK KIBOU has three assessment references that we can utilize as benchmarks when advising Japanese recipients’ customers.
Bunpou and Kutoba’s THEORY.
Exercises: Running, Pushups, Shitups, and Full Up Inspirational, spiritual,
Mental Support Personality
Attitude: Performance, Communication, and Body Language. Standard Care: Uniform, Posture, Neat, and Clean.

The staff and teaching staff of LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK are the founding fathers of LPK KIBOU who want to directly participate as teaching staff, because the founding fathers of LPK KIBOU have basic knowledge and knowledge about Japanese culture and Japanese language, as evidenced by obtaining JLPT N3 and kenshuusei experience during 3 years in Japan, and assisted by Japanese language teachers. As a result, we intend to play a direct role in Japanese culture and language training for prospective Indonesian workers in Japan’s ctki industrial sector.

formally educate and teach others about Japanese national cultural values and the Japanese language through global training, education, and teaching. for prospective Indonesian apprentices to become more creative and credible. The advancement of this issue requires the help of human resources as well. As a result, Japan need foreign labor, which is imported from a variety of emerging nations in Asia, including Indonesia. A partnership between Indonesia and Japan has been developed in the area of foreign labor, one of which is the potential apprentices and employees to Japan who are bridged by LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK.
As a result, we developed this profile with the belief that the application for the construction of the LPK that we established will widen prospective Indonesian workers’ horizons and knowledge of opportunities. Furthermore, the goal is to assist prospective Indonesian workers who are highly motivated and have qualifying Japanese language abilities. The desire to work in a powerful Japanese country. Of course, there are still numerous flaws in this approach, and we welcome constructive feedback and criticism. We would also want to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of this profile and the foundation of LPK KIBOU KAFKA SEJAHTERA LOMBOK. Also, thank you. Thank you for approving this suggestion as well, and we hope that the deployment of this LPK goes well.