Tuesday, 19/09/23. Mrs. Dr. Reta and Dr. Arhan Rusli as the Coordinator of the Excellence Program (PK) as well as Academics from Pangkep Polytechnic Agricultural Polytechnic, Pangkajene, Visited CV. Yagi Perkasa Farm. Head Master of SMKN 1 Lambu, Bima, ( Mr. Kusherman, S. Pd.) join This meeting was a form of synergy between CV. Yagi Perkasa Farm and Educational Institutions in this case vocational schools and universities.
During the meeting, educational institutions always fully support and encourage companies in relation to collaborating with schools / campuses in organizing Industrial Work Practice (Prakerin) programs. The program certainly aims to increase student creativity and the implementation of knowledge that has been obtained previously in school. This meeting is expected to realize the quality of education and productivity of farming in Indonesia for the better.

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