Monday (17/07), LPK Kibou kafka Sejatera Lombok paid a collaborative visit to SMKN 3 Mataram. LPK kibou Kafka Sejahtera Lombok came to SMKN 3 Mataram to discuss collaboration. LPK Kibou kafka Sejatera Lombok public relations Staff met directly with public relations SMKN 3 Mataram throughout the meeting.
The meeting also discussed about how, if a partnership between LPK Kibou Kafka Sejatera Lombok and SMKN 3 Mataram was mutually agreed upon, the system of work apprenticeship to Japan and industrial class would be implemented. LPK Kibou Kafka Sejatera Lombok strives to ensure that the company’s position in this relationship is more than only Mou, but that it can contribute more in line with the Minister of Education and Culture’s objectives and directions. As a result of this agreement, LPK Kibou Kafka Sejahtera Lombok will operate an industrial class program in addition to absorbing graduates from SMKN 3 Mataram into the world of work or industry.
Then, in terms of the visit’s the results, they are still waiting for a decision from the school principal, because the Principal of SMKN 3 Mataram was attending activities outside of school during the visit by LPK Kibou Kafka Sejatera Lombok employees yesterday. LPK Kibou Kafka Sejatera Lombok believes that results will be set by the school in the near future, given that the presence of the company at the school is also felt to have a positive impact on the school and is able to create work for students of SMKN 3 Mataram.